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Boulder Guided Retreat is a custom designed, non-religious, individual retreat opportunity located in the foothills west of Boulder, Colorado. As a lifelong educator and bodyworker with deep roots in energetic practices, I bring many skills to the time we set aside to rest, relax, refresh and deepen into relationship with Self.

Retreat is all about taking the time to BE with yourself.  Whether inspired by exhaustion, transition, creativity, or curiosity there is so much to be harvested from taking retreat time.  Boulder Guided Retreat (BGR) is meant to be a sanctuary that facilitates wholistic wellbeing, a place to drop out of the hustle-bustle of life and the never-ending list of "things to do" while allowing the soul/spirit a space to sit, dream, envision, and explore.  The focus is on health, beauty, rejuvenation, peace, and rest. BGR is not only a place to rest one's head, but everything from food and bodywork, to support for meditation, art, writing, hiking, reading, rest and shifting one's perspective is available. This is dedicated time for quiet, restoration, and inner revitalization in a fully supported environment.

Come for an afternoon, a day, the whole weekend to experience BGR.  

What would a few hours or days away from your own busy life provide?

Perspective, peace, rest, recalibration,
and the nourishment to return to Life refreshed.

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Be a good steward of your gifts. Protect your time. Fed your inner life. Avoid too much noise. Read good books, have good sentences in your ears. Be by yourself as often as you can. Walk. Take the phone off the hook. Work regular hours.
— Dani Shapiro - Memoir of the Writing Life
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